Chalk Photos

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Like a kid in a candy store

There is a brand spankin' new candy store!   Just look at all those barrels of salt water taffy!  So many flavors, I got one of every flavor.  However I still cant tell the difference between "Banana" and "Ripe banana", or "Cupcake" and "Frosted Cupcake".    What is "Chocolate Cowhide" anyway??

All of the different flavors had little pictures printed on the sides of them!  ALMOST too cute to eat!

This one was "Rose" flavored,

there weren't JUST taffies though!   What do American flags taste like?  Raise you hand if you've eaten one...No one?
There was even a little stage in the back where a magician performs!  The whole time I was in this groovy little store I felt like...well, like a kid in a candy store actually.